Sunday, September 7, 2008

This is the day that every red blooded American waits for, no not Christmas, not your stupid bar -mizfa (how ever the hell they spell it). It's the official opening day of the NFL season! Support your team, drink some beer snd smoke some cigars, or whatever! It's game day. This aint no Domincan over-run baseball, this aint no foreigners playing basketball, and it aint a bunch of Canadians and weird named russians hittin' each other over da head with sticks while figure skatin'. IT'S FOOTBALL, and it's game day...let's get to it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, football! The sport where the refs work hard at blowing the whistle every 5 seconds so the players can catch their breath every few yards.

Go Tkachuk (USA), Go Janssen (St Louis, MO), Go Johnson (USA), Go BLUES!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.. you know me!

Your loving sister, Betsy